util.h File Reference

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namespace  libthrowable
namespace  libthrowable::util


template<class OStreamableT>
std::string libthrowable::util::stringify (const OStreamableT &arg) throw ()
 Use this one to convert various objects to std::string.
int libthrowable::util::getTerminalWidth () throw ()
 Returns the width of the current terminal or 80.
std::string libthrowable::util::addIndent (const std::string &str, unsigned indent) throw ()
 Helper function to add indent to strings.
std::string libthrowable::util::optimizeForLineWidth (const std::string &str, int width) throw ()
 This function returns str optimized for a given linewidth.
std::string libthrowable::util::optimizeForTerminalWidth (const std::string &str) throw ()
 This function returns str optimized for the current terminal width.
std::string libthrowable::util::stringify (bool arg) throw ()

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